Postgrad writing

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Timezone: Sydney/Melb

Detailed Proofreading

Detailed feedback throughout your entire draft
⏰ 60min per 1,000 words
πŸ’Ž $100 per 1,000 words
5,000 words maximum48hr turnaround

(Add on) Discuss Proofreading feedback with your tutor

For students who have already received detailed proofreading and want to ask questions or discuss the comments with their tutor.
⏰ 30min live consultation
πŸ’Ž $50
Add on serviceΒ Only book after completing 'Detailed Proofreading'
Click "Book Now" above πŸ‘†πŸ½


Honours Planning

Assignments | Thesis design | Systematic reviews
⏰ 30 min tutor preparation + 60 min live consultation
πŸ’Ž $155
60 min Live consultation

Masters Planning

Assignments | Thesis design
⏰ 30 min tutor preparation + 60 min live consultation
60 min live consultation

PhD Planning

PhD study design and writing
⏰ 30 min tutor preparation + 60 min live consultation
60 min Live consultation